Group Therapy




Substance Abuse Treatment Services

The criminal justice division of our practice utilizes licensed therapists for direct client services.  Penny B. Patton, Ed.S., LPC, LMFT, BCPC, CCFC and V. Morgan Moss, Jr., Ed.S., LPC, LMFT, NCC, CCFC, have over fifty years of combined experience treating those who are involved in the justice system and struggle with addiction.  Individuals served may or may not be involved in intensive outpatient, outpatient, incarceration programs, or probation.  This group service addresses individual needs while also meeting requirements of agencies, institutions and court systems.  Our administrative staff supports this program with high-touch communication, tracking, and notifications to agency staff to enhance client responsiveness and success.  Our program maximizes client engagement in therapeutic process while satisfying the nature of the justice system.  Services offered include:

Services Offered Include:

Assessments to determine the level of care needed, duration of recommended services, referral needs, components or modalities and staffings - from initial contact the client is engaged in the process, a therapeutic connection made, denial challenged and hope is offered for a positive outcome.

  • Group therapy is the primary approach of choice and this has the important element of combining peer support, "taking a good, hard honest look at yourself" with the therapist challenging, monitoring and directing the process.

  • Individual therapy is used when a client does not initially have the ability to benefit from a group or has special needs that must be addressed most often in conjunction with group sessions.

  • Family therapy addresses the vital role of the family or support network since addiction is a family disease with enabling or co-dependency as a threat to sobriety.

  • Individuals with substance abuse and mental health disorders are assessed as a crucial part of progress and lasting recovery and become a part of the treatment offered or as collaborative services with other mental health providers.

  • Referrals for medical treatment, medications, psychological services or evaluations, and to other levels of addictions care are made based on need and response to interventions.

  • aftercare planning begins at intake and continues throughout the process with recommendations and encouragement to attend 12-step support groups such as AA, NA, Al-Anon.

  • Relapse utilization means that the "wake-up" call, "Teachable moment," or "window of opportunity" is used to further the recovery process, stages of change, or challenge denial with a basic philosophy that "it is never wrong to do the right thing."

  • Education about the disease of addiction, recovery and involvement with courts and agencies support growing awareness and enhance the odds for success.

  • Abstinence compliance is verified by a random urine drug screens.


Groups are held on a weekly basis and are currently virtual.


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